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How To Breathe Life Back Into Boring Compliance Training

00 min read
October 9, 2024

Most organisations have to deliver on at least some form of mandatory training to ensure they are operating legally.

What's In This Guide

Compliance training is about as ubiquitous as training can get; most organisations have to deliver on at least some form of mandatory training to ensure they are operating legally. It’s not new. We’ve all got to do it. But in so many contexts it’s just inadequate. Learners hate it. You probably hate it too.

But if we get it wrong, compliance training has real potential to fail the very people it’s designed to protect. At best, your learners are bored, disengaged and uninterested. At worst, it can cost people their lives. So why are we treating compliance like the black sheep of the learning world?

Boring your learners is risky business

Did you know that in 2020 38.8 million working days were lost due to work-related ill health and non-fatal workplace injuries? Much of this could have been prevented with a considered and modern approach to compliance training and risk minimisation.

We’ve seen it time and time again. Critical compliance training isn’t given the due care and attention it deserves. Organisations serve up lengthy, boring elearning modules and tedious, tenuous two-day classroom sessions. These approaches get bums on seats and fingers a’clickin, but they lose learners’ hearts and minds.

These types of learning experiences are a sure-fire way to disconnect with our people, which is incredibly problematic for any learning intervention, but especially so for compliance. That’s because if they’re bored, they’re not paying attention. If they’re not paying attention, they’re not learning. And if they’re not learning, how can we expect them to put this into practice on the job?

When it comes to compliance, employees and their needs are not catered for or prioritised. By not focusing on the experiences they’re having when they’re learning, we’re losing our learners at the first hurdle. And risk is increasing as a consequence.

How to bring compliance training back to life

Putting our learners first is one of the most missed areas of compliance training. What’s going to pique their interest? How are we going to keep them engaged if there is a huge volume of information to work through? What is the most optimal way to help them learn?

Our latest ebook highlights five key ways to inject some life into your compliance training strategies to ensure your people are protected, safe and most importantly, learning. Let’s explore three of them here.

1.     Get their attention

There’s a lot of talk about the dwindling attention spans of today’s workforce at the moment. But this isn’t strictly true. It’s not that attention spans are diminishing, the issue is that there is more vying for our attention now than ever before. And we – as humans – quite simply do not have the capacity to pay attention to it all. So that means your training offering (yes, even the compliance part) is competing with your learner’s day job, news publications, social media, their children, mortgage and so much more.

Find out how to get their attention and keep it in the ebook.

2.     Blend it better

Often L&D professionals fall victim to thinking one learning intervention is sufficient. But this will never change behaviour. And when the topic is as critical as most compliance training is – changing behaviour should be the priority. Which is why blended learning is always a great approach to compliance training.

Use our ebook to discover how to create modern blended learning solutions which get results.

3.     Ignite their emotions

Learner emotions are often overlooked in training – especially when it comes to mandatory or compliance topics. But if you tap into learner emotions, you’ll be engaging your people on a deeper, more meaningful level. The truth is your learners do not care about compliance training. They aren’t going to be self-motivated to get up and complete the latest mandatory course.

Learn how to engage and connect with your people by downloading the ebook today.

So, if you want to get better results from your mandatory training, burn the rule book. Break (or at least bend) the rules that you’ve created for compliance and instead look to your learners. Focus on engaging them and making their experiences fun and memorable. Focus on connecting them with risk in a meaningful way. Focus on them.

We promise you, the results will speak for themselves.

If you want to change your approach to compliance, our new ebook will help you navigate these new waters. Download it now using the link below!

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